Thursday 4 September 2014

100 Funny Jokes Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes Biography

While doing a vasectomy, the doctor slipped and cut off one of the man’s balls. To avoid a huge malpractice suit, he decides to replace the missing ball with an ONION.

Several weeks later, the patient returned for a checkup.

“How’s your physical relation with wife?” the doctor asked.

“Pretty good,” the man said, to the doctor’s relief.
But then he added, “I’ve had some strange side effects.”

“What’s that?” the doctor asked anxiously.

“Well, every time I piss, my eyes water.
When my wife gives me a blo * w job, she gets heartburn.
And every time I pass a hamburger stand, I get a hard-on!”

A small girl turned 3 years and her mother threw a birthday party.

The birthday girl was supposed to blow the three candles from the cake.

She asked why there are three candles on the cake?

Her mother replied, ‘ Honey you are now three years.  So 3 candles’

The girl very innocently replied, ‘ But I have only 2 Ears ?’

One day little Johnny is outside with his father.

He claps his hands together and said “Daddy, I killed a butterfly.”
His father replied “Don’t do that, butterflies are our friends. No butter for a week.”

A little while later little Johnny was playing and he clapped his hands and said “Daddy, daddy, I killed a honeybee!”
Her father said, “Don’t do that, honeybees are our friends. No honey for a week.”

Later on that day little Johnny and his father were in the kitchen.
Little Johnny’s mother joined them.
The mother stamped her foot and said, “I killed a cockroach.”

Then little Johnny said to his father, “Should I tell her or do you want to?”

A nine-year old boy goes into the grocery store, grabs a box of tampons from the shelf and carries it to the register. The cashier asks, “Oh, these must be for your mom, huh?”

“Nope,” says the boy, “not for my mom.”

The cashier responds, “Well, then they must be for your sister then?”

“Nope,” says the boy, “not for my sister, neither.”

The cashier is now curious, “Oh. Not for your mom and not for your sister – then who are they for?”

The nine-year-old says, “They’re for my little brother. They say on TV, if you wear one of these, you can swim and ride a bike, and my little brother can’t do either of those things.”

Why did the rabbit cross the road? – Chicken’s day off!

Q:What do you get when a duck and a cow cross the road?
A:Milk and Quackers

Q. What is Black and White and Red all over?
A. A Newspaper

Definition: Hummingbird- A bird who forgot the lines to a song!

What kind of cereal do cats eat?
Mice Crispies!

How do you get down from an elephant?
You don’t. You get down from a duck.

-Why did the elephant paint himself all different colors?
So he could hide in the crayon box.

-Why do elephants have wrinkles?
Because they are so hard to iron.

-Why did the elephant put skates on before he went to bed?
Because he wanted to get rolling in the morning.

-Why can’t an elephant ride a tricycle?
Because it doesn’t have a thumb to ring the bell.

-Why do elephants wear sunglasses?
So no one will recognize them.

-Why are elephants such poor dancers?
Because they have two left feet.

-What time is it when an elephant sits on a fence?
Time to get a new fence.

-Why can’t elephants go swimming at the beach?
Because they can’t keep their trunks up.

Q: What did the mayonnaise say to the refrigerator?
A: Shut the door, I’m dressing!

Q: What gives milk and has one horn?
A: A milk truck!

Why did the boy take a ladder to school?
It was a high school.

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
A carrot! (boom tish!!)

On day there was a boy at school. He needed to go to the toilet. The teacher said “Say your ABCs first”

The boy started saying “A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Q R S T U V W X Y Z”

The teacher asked at the end “Where is your P?”
The boy answered “Running down my pants!!”

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

100 Funny Jokes  Funny Jokes for Kids About School to Tell Friends to Tell Their Parents About Teachers in Hindi Photos

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